Monday, April 6, 2020

The Hive Bosses

Last night we went out for some action in the Hive Dungeon. After some days of making gear and making good use of the Auctions we set out for the bosses. First we were five and later Wolf joined us too (he was busy cooking chili and rice it was clearly food and drinks time !!! ). It was a mess but we had great fun!!! Enjoy and hopefully see you next week in the Sacrifice Halls dungeon for more action on Easter Sunday!!!

We finally grouped up and took on the first easy boss

The Mosquito Queen

The Hornet Queen, she is a master in blocking doors

Air Elemental
Deep deep in the Hive lives Bugzilla - picture by Muskateer

Some critical hits going both ways, picture by Quazit

The Big Boss Bugzilla

Wolf making his way through the masses

Wolf and Quazit in action - picture by Quazit
The last Boss to fall to a relentless ranger - picture by Quazit

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