Character Guide

  • General
  • Druid
  • Warrior
  • Ranger
  • Necromancer
  • Priest
  • Paladin
  • Wizard
  • Bane Knight
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
  • Berserker
  • Chaos Monk


Knockdown and hold effects. When this is cast upon your character you will see the "You cannot do that right now" message in the battletext.
Channel (? doppleganger)
The clone spell of the Doppleganger (?)
Stat improvement(? Doppleganger)
Heal effects
Shadow skill Rogue, Blur Warlock
Stealth skill Rogue
Damage Over Time effects
Slow down effects
Speed effects
Improved AC (? Tombguards)
Frostshield (wizard)
Just after respawning when still restoring.
On the 3 witches in Witches Hold
Fear (cast by 3 witches in Witches Hold). Also on sheeps after shearing


  • General
  • Skills

Descendants of the ancient lines, the Druid continue to be at one with nature. Using powerful nature magic, and summon forest critters to their, a Druid becomes a powerful force to deal with.

Armour: Druids can only wear cloth.
This means the Shield and Bracers slot at the moment have no items.
Options for the head are the normal hat and the wizard hats.
For the breast and legs you have shirts and pants.
Boots are not restricted for any class, so you can wear either Boots or Leather Shoes.
For the arms you can choose between Armband and Black Arm Bands.
Weapon: Druids wield staffs and wands

MAG Druid being a spell based class this is the primary stat to add focus points to.
INT Since you are fighting with summons have higher chance on criticals is a plus.
END The Tree of Life skill is based on your health, so raising this stat improves that skill.
Druid Top 5
Drew Wydd39
The Magus30
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Singe   1 Basic skill  
    Notes: This is the basic skill of Druids. Having a good wand or staff and high MAG and INT will improve the damage of this skill.
Summon Wolf   14 Summon
    Notes: After 4 seconds of summoning a Wolf joins you in the attack. The summons live for 70 seconds meaning you can have maximum 5 Wolfs.
  ClawsSummoned wolf damage is increased by 20% per rank
  Wolf BiteSummoned wolf crit is increased by 3% per rank
Entangling Roots 20 Vines grow up around your target holding them in place
  Vine SpreadTarget another nearby enemy per rank
  Fast GrowTargets are held for an additional 1 second per rank
Poison VinesCauses targets to become slowed
Tree of Life   40 Grows a tree near Druid, healing 2% each second
  Deep RootsDuration of tree is extended 2 seconds per rank
  GrowthThe healing of your tree is increased 1% per rank


  • General
  • Skills

Warriors are the strongest in weapons. Using great weapon combos, they are able to wield a vast number of weapons and devastate foes with amazing skills.

Armour: Warriors can wear any kind of armour.
Weapon: Warriors wield melee type weapons.

STR STR raises the damage you do with melee weapons.
END END gives you more HP and also more capacity to carry items.
INT INT improves your chance on getting a critical hit.
Warrior Top 5
Player Level
Luy 60
Muskateer 60
warrior within 60
brass1 60
BraveHeart 60
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Attack   1  
Mighty Blow   5 Heave a mighty blow against your foe
  Heavy HitterBlow does +15% damage, +1% crit
Colossal Stomp 20 Slam the ground causing your target to be stuned for 3 seconds
    2 seconds cast time
  Earth ShakerTarget a 2nd nearby enemy
  EarthquakeIncrease Stomp range by 6 meters per rank
  Ground BreakerTargets are stunned for an additional 1 seconds per rank
  Widow MakerCauses monsters to become enraged at the Warrior
Hurtling Slam   12 Warrior leaps through the air for a huge attack
    you have to engage first
  Strike BoneForce of blow does more damage, 15% per rank
  Head shotIncreases the chance of crits, 1% per rank
Execute   10 Finishing move that does 150% damage if the target is under 20% health
    you have to engage first
  Blood FuryIf the foe is finished off, warrior gains 2% crit gain on next attack
  Death TauntAny critters nearby are encouraged to attack the Warrior
Defensive Mastery   10 Use you warrior skills to tank critters and reduce damage
    you have to engage first
  RecoverWarrior regains 25% stamina
Defensive Stance   10 Defensive move that increases AC by 100 over the next 3 seconds
  Piller of StoneArmor increase is +50 per rank
  Neck GrabDuration of the absorb is increased by 2 seconds


  • General
  • Skills

These bowman are strong and fast. They prefer bows to swords, and are very good at trapping their enemies. Watch out if you are ever at the end of a bow sight from a Ranger, their shots are deadly.

Armour: Rangers can wear any type of armour
Weapon: Rangers wield bows and crossbows.

DEX Since Rangers wield bows the DEX stat will help do more damage.
END Having a higher chance on criticals is probably the best option after having high DEX.
INT Though Rangers have excellent defense with the skill Snare having END to carry items is always nice.
Ranger Top 5
Player Level
Quazit 60
Chenya 60
Tallus 60
KingJames 60
Dead Eye 60
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Bow   1 Basic skill  
Burning Arrow   4 Send an arrow on fire into your enemy
    Notes: The subskill Ignite on Impact causes out of range creatures to attack you which is very handy at times.
"> Ignite on ImpactTarget takes fire damage for 3 seconds per
  Explosive ArrowSpreads the fire from one target to another
Ice Arrow 12 Send a frozen arrow into your enemy, slowing them
  Cold FeetEffect duration is extended 2 secs per rank
  Frost Storm ArrowSpreads the ice from one target to another, 1 per rank
Perfect Aim   12 Take your time to aim an arrow for high damage
  Aim for the heartIncreases crit chance 2 per rank
  Barbed TipUse special tipped arrows which increase the damage by 40% per rank
Snare 6 Tosses a snare at your enemy, knocking them down
    Notes: With increased duration Snare allows you to keep a creature pinned down unless the spell fails.
  Bolo StrikeIncreases duration 2 seconds per rank
  BarbwireIncreases damage of your snare .5 per rank
Spike Trap 12 Drops a trap with spikes, enemies walking near the ranger will take damage. Only 1 trap at a time can be put out.
    Notes: Spike Trap does a lot of damage over time and to multiple creatures depending on the subskills.
  Sharpened SpikesIncreases crit chance 1 per rank
  Steal SpikesUse special tipped spikes which increase the damage by 15% per rank
  Barbed SpikesWhomever triggers the trap is held in trap for 1 second per rank


  • General
  • Skills

The dark ones. Necromancer are outcasts, even from their magic brethren. Using dark magic, they summon monsters, ghosts and undead to do their bidding. Death always follows the Necromancers.

Armour: Necromancers can only wear cloth.
This means the Shield and Bracers slot at the moment have no items.
Options for the head are the normal hat and the wizard hats.
For the breast and legs you have shirts and pants.
Boots are not restricted for any class, so you can wear either Boots or Leather Shoes.
For the arms you can choose between Armband and Black Arm Bands.
Weapon: Necromancers wield staffs and wands

MAG Being a spell based class Necromancer do more damage with high MAG.
INT With INT you raise your chance on getting a critical hit.
END The third stat to raise could either be END or QIK depending on what other use you want to give to your character. END gives more HP and more carry capacity, QIK makes you move quicker and raise your chance on critical hits even more.
Necromancer Top 5
Player Level
Scar Face 60
The DayWalker 45
Deceased 45
Necron 37
SARSReaper 34
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Whisper   1 Basic skill  
Demons Fury   9 Summon a demon to destroy your foe
    4 seconds summon imp, lives 80 seconds
  Demons SkinSummoned demon has 50% more health
  Demons WrathSummoned demon crit is increased by 3% per rank
  Imp FireYour demon learns the ability to shot fireballs
Wisp Dance   12 Summon a death wisp to aid you in your combat
    7 seconds summon whisp, lives 65 seconds
  Death DanceSummoned wisp crit is increased by 3% per rank
  Dancing LightsDancing lights that temporarly blind your targets
Raise the Dead 14 Summon a skeleton to fight for you
    4 seconds summon skeleton, each summon does a short knockdown, lives 65 seconds
  Deaths RevengeSummoned skeleton crit is increased by 3% per rank
Shriek of the Tormented Ones   20 Release a flurry of tormented souls on your enemies
  Howling ShriekTarget another nearby enemy per rank
  Howling VengenceSouls do +15% damage, +1% crit per rank
  Endless TormentSpell duration is increased 1 second per rank


  • General
  • Skills

Wielding the holy magic, these agents of light have a divine power. With powerful light shields, they Priest actually wields the light to restrain agents of evil.

Armour: Priests can only wear cloth.
This means the Shield and Bracers slot at the moment have no items.
Options for the head are the normal hat and the wizard hats.
For the breast and legs you have shirts and pants.
Boots are not restricted for any class, so you can wear either Boots or Leather Shoes.
For the arms you can choose between Armband and Black Arm Bands.
Weapon: Priests wield staffs and wands

MAG Being a spell based class Priests do more damage with high MAG.
INT With INT you raise your chance on getting a critical hit.
END The third stat to raise could either be END or QIK depending on what other use you want to give to your character. END gives more HP and more carry capacity, QIK makes you move quicker and raise your chance on critical hits even more.
Priest Top 5
Player Level
Gladameir 60
Bagel 37
Bael 32
iHeal 31
Father Mulcahy 30
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Bolt of Light   1 Basic skill  
Sear   6 Holy light causes boils to appear on target burning them.
    This is your main skill to do damage as a Priest.
  Bright LightsSear does +15% damage, +1 crit per rank
  Flash BurnSear spreads to 1 nearby target per rank
Illuminate 12 Hit your target with a blast of light that blinds them
  Searing IlluminationYour Illumiate spreads to nearby critters, 1 per ranks
  Dazed by the GodsThe blindness is increased 1 second pre rank
Light Heals   15 Heals your target for a small amount
    After a 4 second cast time it heals for more then 50hp
  Healing FlowYour healing does additional 50% per rank
  Healing AuraYour healing reaches out to 1 additional person per rank
Bubble of Restoration 25 Restores 2% target health each second
  Resistant BubbleDuration is extended 2 seconds per rank
  LuminateThe healing of your bubble is increased 1% per rank


  • General
  • Skills

Paladins are holy knights, devoting themselves to sword, shield and holy magic. By using a blend of blesses and hard weapons, they are able to create devastating blows to evil critters.

Armour: Paladins can wear any type of armour
Weapon: Paladins wield melee weapons.

STR STR raises the damage you do with melee weapons.
END END gives you more HP and also more capacity to carry items.
INT INT improves your chance on getting a critical hit.
Paladin Top 5
Player Level
Luy90 60
Freddy 52
Tornis 32
ChivalrousRob 31
FLH 31
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Attack   1 Basic skill  
Holy Strike   5 You weapon is infused with holy energy and doest 150% normal damage.
    With having a short cooldown this spell allows you to do tons of damage.
  FocusBlow does +15% damage, +1% crit
  Darkness to LightCritters are drawn to the Paladin when struck
Light of Neuth 15 Send out a bright light blinding target
  Light ShatterTarget a 2nd nearby enemy
  BrightnessIncrease Stomp range by 6 meters per rank
  Bewildered BrightnessTargets are stunned for an additional 1 seconds per rank
  Widow MakerCauses monsters to become enraged at the Paladin
  Searing Light of NeuthBlow does +10% damage, +1% crit
Heal Light Wounds   15 Heals you for a small amount
    After 4 seconds casting you heal your self as if you took a good health potion.
  ConcentrationYour healing does additional 50% per rank
  Holy FocusYour healing reaches out to 1 additional person per rank
Seal of Protection   30 Holy Seal that protects by adding 100 AC over the next 15 seconds
    With injustice this skill can help quite a bit.
  Seal FocusArmor increase is +50 per rank
"> InjusticeRestores 2% target health each second


  • General
  • Skills

This class wields the elements like they were playthings of the universe. Spewing fire, ice, electricity and air from their hands, they are truly to be feared.

Armour: Wizards can only wear cloth.
This means the Shield and Bracers slot at the moment have no items.
Options for the head are the normal hat and the wizard hats.
For the breast and legs you have shirts and pants.
Boots are not restricted for any class, so you can wear either Boots or Leather Shoes.
For the arms you can choose between Armband and Black Arm Bands.
Weapon: Wizards wield staffs and wands

MAG Being a spell based class Wizards do more damage with high MAG.
INT With INT you raise your chance on getting a critical hit.
END The third stat to raise could either be END or QIK depending on what other use you want to give to your character. END gives more HP and more carry capacity, QIK makes you move quicker and raise your chance on critical hits even more.
Wizard Top 5
Player Level
Hound 60
Dragon Summoner 60
DangerousRob 60
Flamboyant 60
Wizards Tale 51
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Bolt   1 Basic skill  
Fire Specialization   n/a You learn the intricate ways of Fire, increasing damage for all Fire spells
  Burning HandsIncreases all Fire damage by 20% per rank
  Wizard BurnIncreases all Fire spell crits 2% per rank
Ignite   4 Blast of fire magic from Wizard at target  
Fireball   8 Wizard gathers the fire elemental and sends a devistating ball of fire torwards target
    2 seconds cast time
  Scorching BlastFire Ball burn does +15% damage, +1 crit per rank
  Explosive FuryFireball hits another nearby enemy per rank, in range of Fireball blast
Ice Specialization   n/a You learn the intricate ways of Ice, increasing damage for all Ice spells
  Freezing HandsIncreases all Ice damage by 20% per rank
  Deep FreezeIncreases all Ice spell crits 2% per rank
Freezing Touch   4 Wizards hands turn to ice, freezing target touched
  Artic FreezeFreezing Touch does +15% damage and +1 crit per rank
  GlaciateFreezing effect slows target
Frost Shield 20 Puts a frozen shield around Wizard, increasing AC by 100
  Frozen WindsFrost Shield armor increased +50 per rank
  FrostbiteAnyone attacking mage is slowed for 5 seconds
Shock Specialization   n/a You learn the intricate ways of Shock, increasing damage for all Shock spells
  ElectricityIncreases all Shock damage by 20% per rank
  ZapIncreases all Shock spell crits 2% per rank
Spark Bolt   4
  Focus CurrentIncreases Spark Bolt damage 10% per rank
  Hot SparkIncreases Spark Bolt crit chance 2% per rank
Shocking Grasp   12
  Focus VoltageIncreases Shocking Grasp damage by 10% per rank
  Sparky TouchIncreases Shocking Grasp crit chance by 2% per rank
Chain Lightning   20
  Electron StormIncreases spell duration 1 second per rank
  ThunderboltIncreases crit chance by 2% per rank
Air Specialization   n/a You learn the intricate ways of Air magic, increasing damage for all Air spells
  Gusting WindsIncreases all Air damage by 20% per rank
  Thermal WindsIncreases all Aire spell crits 2% per rank
Gust   3
  Fury GustDamage increased 10% per rank
  Scorching BlastFire Ball burn does +15% damage, +1 crit per rank
Cyclone   7
    Multiple creatures
  Cyclone FlurriesIncreases spell damage by 10% per rank
  High WindsIncreases spell duration 2 second per rank
  DebrisIncreases crit chance by 2% per rank
Acid Specialization   n/a You learn how to spawn Acid from the air and use it against your foes
  Melting HandsIncreases all Acid damage by 20% per rank
  DissolveIncreases all Fire spell crits 2% per rank
Acid Bolt   4 Wizard summons acid and sends a bolt towards the enemy  
Acid Dump   6 Wizard gathers acid from above and drops it on target
  DissolveAcid becomes more thick, +15% damage, +1 crit per rank
Acid Storm   10 A devastating storm of acid drops on enemies
  Acid RainAcid becomes more thick, +15% damage, +1 crit per rank
  Dissolving SplashAcid Storm hits another nearby enemy per rank

Bane Knight

  • General
  • Skills

Bane Knights are Paladins who have ventured to the dark side. Wither too many battles, or just a tendency to harm, these dark knights will slash a monster and then curse them with unholy curses.

Armour: Bane Knights can wear any type of armour.
Weapon: Bane Knights wield melee weapons.

STR STR raises the damage you do with melee weapons.
END END gives you more HP and also more capacity to carry items.
INT INT improves your chance on getting a critical hit.
Bane Knight Top 5
Player Level
DarkGoddess 60
Wolfbane 60
Badbane 53
Shaeffer 52
Mr Spud Winkle 47
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Strike   1 Basic skill  
Unholy Blow   8 Heave a mighty blow against your foes using dark holy power
  Bane of DestructionBlow does +15% damage, +1% crit
  Soul ReaperCause critters to be enraged with Bane Knight
  Stun of the DarkBlow stuns its target, causing them to be knocked back
  Fear and LoathingExtra nearby target per rank is caught up in the Unholy Blow
Repent 5 Unholy curse that drains the targets life
  Soul ShatterRepent does +25% damage, +2% crit per rank
  Hollowed NightSpell duration is increased 2 second per rank
Obscure Soul   30 Using dark holy power to make yourself harder to hit
    With high END the subskill Dreadful Remorse gives you a lot of extra health in combat.
  Dreadful SoulObscure Soul armor increased +50 per rank
"> Dreadful RemorseBane Knight Health is increased by 10% per rank


  • General
  • Skills

This class prefers stealth and distraction to get their point across. As you hear something behind you, the clever Rogue will be slipping his poision dagger where it counts.

Armour: Rogues can wear any type of armour.
Weapon: Rogues wield daggers and swords.

DEX Though Rogues could fight like a Warrior and use STR too for higher damage, a Rogue specific option is to use daggers and raise DEX to do more damage.
INT Since Rogues have the option to Double Wield having a high chance on criticals helps to do more damage.
END Though Rogues can be sneaky and harder to hit, having a decent amount of health is always a good thing.
Rogue Top 5
Player Level
Rae 60
Shadow Wolf 60
Unicci 55
The Phantom 40
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Stab   1 Basic skill  
Shadow Strike 5 Step through the shadows to deliver a devistating blow to your target.
  Nerve DamageYour strike does an extra 5% damage per rank
  Blade of DeathYour Shadow Strike has a 3% per rank chance of critting
Dual Wield   Rogue is able to wield daggers in each hand. Offhand weapon strikes for 10% damage. (no skill icon, equip 2nd dagger)
    Striking twice each attack with the good chances on criticals a Rogue has this is a great improvement for this class.
  Deep ThrustOffhand weapon does an additional 5% damage per rank.
  Tendon SliceOffhand slows the target down by 5% per rank for 8 seconds
Shadow Walk 20 Rogue slips into the shadows, becoming partially hidden
  Fade into ShadowsShadow Walk becomes 5% more effective per rank
  Assassins VenganceWhile Rogue is in Shadow Walk, attacks have a 2% chance per rank to crit
Stealth 45 Rogue disappears completely, becoming hidden from players and monsters alike. Area attacks or moving will undo effect.
  CamouflageHide extends 1 second per rank
  SneakRogue can walk at half speed while Hide is active, with a small chance of being detected and losing stealth.
Poison Weapons 45 Rogue poisons weapons, allowing a chance for the victim to be poisoned on each attack  


  • General
  • Skills

Warlocks are wizards who have yielded to the dark side. They use shadow and dark magic to destroy their enemies. Those few who have faced a powerful Warlock and survived, never sleep in the dark again.

Armour: Warlocks can only wear cloth.
This means the Shield and Bracers slot at the moment have no items.
Options for the head are the normal hat and the wizard hats.
For the breast and legs you have shirts and pants.
Boots are not restricted for any class, so you can wear either Boots or Leather Shoes.
For the arms you can choose between Armband and Black Arm Bands.
Weapon: Warlocks wield staffs and wands

MAG Being a spell based class Warlocks do more damage with high MAG.
INT With INT you raise your chance on getting a critical hit.
END The third stat to raise could either be END or QIK depending on what other use you want to give to your character. END gives more HP and more carry capacity, QIK makes you move quicker and raise your chance on critical hits even more.
Warlock Top 5
Player Level
Elfred 60
Under Study 52
The Leper 50
Dirk Diggler 45
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Shadow Bolt   1 Basic skill
  Mana BurnWarlock charges his mana and focuses it on the foe
  Deep BurnMana burn does +15% damage, +1 crit per rank
Shards of Darkness   20 Channeled spell that cast out shards of dark magic against your foes
    This skill is the first you should get. I does a lot of damage really quickly.
  Shower of ShardsTarget another nearby enemy per rank
  Deep DarkShards do +15% damage, +1% crit per rank
  Rain of the NightSpell duration is increased 1 second per rank
Blur 24 The Warlock to blurs causing enemies a harder time to hit them. +100 AC
  Fade to DarknessWarlock blur is increased 3 seconds pre rank
  Shroud of the NightNearby friendly players are cloaked with the Blur effect
Vessel of Neuth   24 The Warlock creates vessel that increases the INT of nearby players
    This skill gives a 15 seconds INT raise and also a 5 seconds invisibility.
  Deepen VesselInt effect target count raised by 1 and precentage raised by 1


  • General
  • Skills

From the outskirts comes the Berserker fighter. Using weapons like a warrior, and strange battle cries that will freeze the heart of an enemy, the Berserker is as unpredictable as they are dangerous.

Armour: Berserkers can wear any type of armour.
Weapon: Berserkers wield melee weapons.

STR STR raises the damage you do with melee weapons.
END END gives you more HP and also more capacity to carry items.
INT INT improves your chance on getting a critical hit.
Berserker Top 5
Player Level
Bubba Joe 60
Bloodrayne 60
Nutcracker 50
The Loner 50
Muskateers Beserker 39
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Attack   1 Basic skill  
Blade Flurry   5 Mad attack that slashes and hacks at the target
    When attacking multiple creatures with Hack and Rip you will bring them down easily.
  Hack and RipExtra nearby target per rank is caught up in the Blade Furry
"> Sharpened BladesTarget takes extra damage over time from the
Dual Wield   Berserker is able to wield weapons in each hand. Offhand weapon does strikes for 10% damage.
    With Dual Wielding activated Beserker can do a lot of damage in a very short time.
  Bone SlicerOffhand weapon does an additional 5% damage per rank.
  ParryOffhand weapon has a 5% chance of parrying melee blows per rank.
Zerker Rush 20 Rush the target and hit with a devistating blow
    This is a great skill to start the fight with, followed up by a Blade Flurry and many times the fight is already over.
  Zerker ScreamAny critters nearby are encouraged to attack the Berserker
  Rush and SlamThe Berserker uses his body to slam the target, causing the target to get knocked down
War Cry 15 Charges the Berzerker with battle energy, increasing Stamina and allowing for other skills.  

Chaos Monk

  • General
  • Skills

Nobody knows for sure where Chaos Monks came from. Using strange energies they are able to bend time to their bidding. Using strong hand attacks, and occasional poison, they are feared by everyone.

Armour: Chaos Monks can only wear cloth.
This means the Shield and Bracers slot at the moment have no items.
Options for the head are the normal hat and the wizard hats and the leather cap.
For the breast and legs you have shirts and pants.
Boots are not restricted for any class, so you can wear either Boots or Leather Shoes.
For the arms you can choose between Armband and Black Arm Bands.
Weapon: Chaos Monks can only wield Spears.

DEX Being a Spear wielding class, Chaos Monks need high DEX to raise their damage.
MAG Chaos Monk is can also do damage with spells so having high MAG helps too.
END For the thirds stat you could choose either for END to carry more items and have higher HP or INT to do more critical hits.
Chaos Monk Top 5
Player Level
Vagabond 60
wolfhound 60
Lester 60
byob 40
Skill Icon Cooldown Description  
Jab   1 Basic skill  
Touch of Death   5 High damage attack used to try and finish off critter.
    Most damage will come with this skill.
  Deep ImpactBlow does +15% damage, +1% crit
  MonkCause critters to be enraged with Monk
Leg Sweep 15 Sweep the enemy knocking them to the ground and causing 10% damage
    This skill allows for a multiple critter knockdown, which gives you plenty of time to use the rest of your skills to end any fight soon.
  Sweep and AttackHit your target after they fall, causing 25% dmg per rank
  Dancing WindsSweep nearby enemy, 1 more per rank
  Sweep and SlamTargets are stunned for an additional 1 seconds per rank
Curse of Time 5 Using the power of time, you curse the enemy causing 50% damage per second for 5 seconds
  Quicking PaceCurse does +25% damage, +2% crit per rank
  EpochSpell duration is increased 2 second per rank
"> Stuck in TimeTarget is slowed

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