Resources | Gathering Skills | Crafting Skills |
Ore | Mining | Armour smith |
Weapon smith | ||
Tool smith | ||
Wood | Lumberjack | Bowyer |
Wandlore | ||
Wool | Shearing | Tailor |
Hide | Skinning | Leather smith |
Fish | - | Fishing |
The following Trade Skills are not active yet, but already have items in the game in anticipation:
General information
You get a first gathering skill slot at level 10 and second at level 25.
You get a first crafting skill slot at level 15 and a second at level 30.
This means a character at the moment can have a maximum of 4 tradeskills, 2 gathering and 2 crafting skills.
You can buy the Trade Skills from NPCs. Each Trade Skill costs 7 silver 50 copper.
If you want to reorganize Trade Skills amongst you characters maybe at some point you might want to remove a skill. You can do that with the following command:
Once a skill is removed there is no way to restore it other than buying it a second time.
Trade Skill Tools
Each skill needs a specific tool that has to be wielded in the right hand slot. Most skills will allow you to change to wielding the tool automatically when you start the action. All skills will allow you to change back to your weapons automatically in case you are using it in an area that has monsters that will attack you.
As an example the following images show the setup for a character with both the mining skill and a smithing skill:
You can buy the tools from the NPCs or from players that have the Tool Smith Trade Skill.
Resource and Item Quantity & Quality
The qualities are the same for both resources and crafted items:
- Inferior
- Crude
- Shoddy
- Ordinary
- Good (+2)
- Excellent (+4)
- Superior (+6)
- Flawless (+9)
- Mining
- Lumberjack
The second group has a chance of getting any quality of resource at any level, and the chance of getting better quality improves over time.
- Skinning
- Shearing
- Fishing
The quality of the items made with the Crafting Trade Skills depend on your Trade Skill level and the enhancement of your tool. When you start crafting text will appear in the battle text to inform you about the numbers that influence your ability to create quality items.
The total item crafting points are calculated by adding the quality bonus and the enhancement:
Example messages for a level 14 tradeskill:
*Wielding an Ordinary tool:
Level crafting points: 3
Item crafting points: 0
Total crafting points: 3
*Wielding a +9 Excellent tool:
Level crafting points: 3
Item crafting points: 13 (9 + 4)
Crafting points maxed by trade level
Total crafting points: 14
As you can see in the second message, the total of crafting points can not be more than you Trade Skill level.
The maximum enhancement of the items you create is half of the Total crafting points rounded down. In the first example it would be +1 and in the second example +7. There is no exact rule for determining your chance on making a certain item quality. By experience a level 14 tradeskill can make Excellent and somewhere around level 18 you can make Superior. For Flawless items you will have to have level 24 and even then chances are low.
Click on the following to see a more detailed Tradeskill Progression Table.
Leveling Trade Skills
The Trade Skills follow the same experience progression as normal Character Levels. Check the Ogre Island XP chart for the XP of each level. Once you have bought a Trade Skill it will also appear on the "Trades" section of the Character Tab:
Another way of checking your current xp level is typing the /showexp command in the chat box. It will list the xp of all your Trade Skills:
* Lumberjack - lvl: 16 Exp: 199420
* Wand Lore - lvl: 14 Exp: 145015
* Bowyer - lvl: 14 Exp: 126645
Gaining XP and improve your level is different for each Gathering Trade Skill and will be explained in the details section of each skill. The Crafting Trade Skills all have the same way of getting xp so it will be explained here.
Once you have clicked the "Start Crafting" button your character will start crafting and use resources. For each resource used you will get 25xp. Better items use up more resources and apart from the 25xp for each resource will give you a bonus xp for each item that has Ordinary Quality or better:
Ordinary | 60xp |
Good | 70xp |
Excellent | 80xp |
Superior | 90xp |
Flawless | 100xp |
Enchanting Items
The following Crafting Trade Skills allow you to create enchanted items:
- Armour Smith
- Weapon Smith
- Tool Smith
- Tailor
- Bowyer
- Wandlore
- Leather Smith
First you will need to buy Jewelry Sockets from Sly the Gem Man:
When crafting your item you select the item and the resource and then pick up the stack of Jewelry Sockets from you inventory and click on a slot at the bottom right of the crafting window where it says "Sockets". You can make items with either 1, 2 or 3 slots.
Depending on your skill level and luck you will make a more or less useful item.
Once you created the item you need to prepare gems to actually enchant the item. To do so you need to have the proper gems fragments in your inventory to make the gem. The following combinations are possible at the moment:
- Ruby x3 + Emerald x3 : Titans (STR)
- Ruby x3 + Sapphire x3 : Camel (END)
- Diamond x3 + Ruby x3 : Weasel (DEX)
- Diamond x3 + Sapphire x3 : Leopard (QIK)
- Emerald x3 + Sapphire x3 : Sage (INT)
- Emerald x3 + Diamond x3 : Mage (MAG)
Place the gem fragments according to the combination for the gem you want to make:
After clicking Apply a gem will appear in your inventory and 3 fragments will be discounted from each stack of fragments:
Now, with both a slotted item and one or more gems created, you proceed to the last step, enchanting the item. Once again you do this at the Jeweler, this time clicking the bottom button:
Put the slotted item in the box:
The window opens up allowing you put in gems according to the slots the item has. You don't have to fill all slots right away. You can repeat later if you can't decide on which other enchantments to use or if you simply don't have enough fragments to create the gems needed.
An item with 1 enchantment will read like this:
An item with 3 enchantments will read like this:
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the skill from Cook Ariak Fishhand.
What tools do I need?
You need a Pickaxe for mining
Where can I use the skill?
You can mine ore in all named dungeons. The most easy dungeon would be Destroyed Dockhouse, south of Windy Waters.
How do I mine?
Click the "Precious Metals" button, the one with the pickaxe on it. Your character will start digging and a countdown is shown above the button.
When done digging, the ore pops up. Depending on your level, you will have one or more patches. The easiest way to pick up all patches of ore is NOT moving at all, and right away click the "Iron Ore" button, the one with the shaded pick axe and some rocks on it. A shorter countdown will start and once done depending on the or for instance an Iron Bar will show up in your inventory. Multiple bars will stack up to stack of maximum 99 bars.
When you are done clearing the paches of ore you have to move:
A: to another room
B: 100 pixels up or down, or 100 pixels left or right
You can go back to the same place, after having dug in 5 other places. If you try to dig somewhere before doing so you will get the following message
You have already dug here.
Some dungeons allow for circular routes which are ideal for mining.
The 3 smithing Trade Skills, Armour smith, Weapon smith and Tool smith are the same, apart from the items they allow you to create, so they are explained together:
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the skill from Cook Ariak Fishhand.
What tools do I need?
You need a Hammer for all 3 smithing skills
Where can I use the skill?
You can smithe at the anvils of a Smithy place for instance in Windy Waters or Lizper Falls. A typical smithy place looks like this, and when you hoover over the anvil a hammer will appear:
How do I smithe?
First you will need at least a few bars of iron in your inventory and you have to put the hammer in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets:
When you click on an anvil the Craft Window will open allowing you to select an item on the left and resources on the right. If you decided to enchant the item now is the moment to put in Jewelry Sockets.
Next you click the Start Crafting button and the crafting window will close automatically.
Your character will start hammering away and in white letters the words "Hammer" and "Forge" will appear.
They will repeat untill you click the Round Button corresponding to the word, so in the picture below you would click the "Hammer" button. One click is enough. The same word might repeat but there is always a pause after you have clicked if the same word repeats. Meanwhile in your battletext you will see your trade skill xp add up.
When the item is finished it will appear in your inventory and the following message will show in your chattext:
* You create a new item: Legs - Quality: ordinary (60) - Created by: BraveHeart - Value: 2 silver 00 copper
The Weapon Smith craft window allows you to create the following items:
The Tool Smith craft window allows you to create the following items:
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Lumberjack Skill from Gunther Wandmaster in Windy Waters and from Cook Ariak Fishhand in Lizper Falls
What tools do I need?
You need a Saw for Lumberjack
Where can I use the skill?
You can cut trees in Shady Oasis north from Windy Waters and Emerald Plateau West from Windy Waters.
How do I Lumberjack?
You have to put the saw in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets. Then you have to click on a tree. In areas where you cannot cut trees it will say:
The trees in this area are not suitable for cutting.
With the tree selected you have to make sure you are standing close enough to cut it, otherwise you will get the following message:
You have to stand closer
Click the "Saw tree" button, the one with the saw on it, and a countdown will start. Once done cutting the tree it will disappear and at least one chunk of wood will show up on the ground near you.
The easiest way to pick them up is NOT to move and right away click the "Carve Pine" button, the one with the trunk of wood on it. A shorter countdown will start and when done a piece of wood will show up in your inventory. Wood will stack up to a maximum of 99 trunks of wood.
Trees will "regrow" in about 10 minutes. In both mentioned areas there are quite enough trees to not run out of trees for filling your inventory with stacks of wood.
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Bowyer Skill from Gunther Wandmaster in Windy Waters.
What tools do I need?
You need a Carving Tool for Bowyer.
Where can I use the skill?
You can craft at the Carving bench in Windy Waters and Lizper Falls.
How do I craft with Bowyer?
First you will need at least a few chunks of wood in your inventory and you need the Carver tool in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets:
When you click on an Carver bench the Craft Window will open allowing you to select an item on the left and resources on the right. If you decided to enchant the item now is the moment to put in Jewelry Sockets.
Next you click the Start Crafting button and the crafting window will close automatically.
Your character will start carving and in white letters the words "Carve" and "Lathe" will appear.
They will repeat untill you click the Round Button corresponding to the word, so in the picture below you would click the "Carve" button. One click is enough. The same word might repeat but there is always a pause after you have clicked if the same word repeats. Meanwhile in your battletext you will see your trade skill xp add up.
When the item is finished it will appear in your inventory and the following message will show in your chattext:
* You create a new item: Hand Crossbow - Quality: crude (20) - Created by: Tresher - Value: 40 copper
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Bowyer Skill from Gunther Wandmaster in Windy Waters.
What tools do I need?
You need a Carver Tool for Wandlore.
Where can I use the skill?
You can craft items with Wandlore at the Wandlore table in Windy Waters.
How do I craft with Wandlore?
First you will need at least a few chunks of wood in your inventory and you need the Carver tool in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets:
When you click on an Wandlore table the Craft Window will open allowing you to select an item on the left and resources on the right. If you decided to enchant the item now is the moment to put in Jewelry Sockets.
Next you click the Start Crafting button and the crafting window will close automatically.
Your character will start carving and in white letters the words "Carve" and "Enchant" will appear.
They will repeat untill you click the Round Button corresponding to the word, so in the picture below you would click the "Enchant" button. One click is enough. The same word might repeat but there is always a pause after you have clicked if the same word repeats. Meanwhile in your battletext you will see your trade skill xp add up.
When the item is finished it will appear in your inventory and the following message will show in your chattext:
* You create a new item: Magic Rod - Quality: ordinary (60) - Created by: Tresher - Value: 5 silver
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Shearer Skill from Gunther Wandmaster in Windy Waters and from Cook Ariak Fishhand in Lizper Falls.
What tools do I need?
You need Sheep Shears for Shearing.
Where can I use the skill?
You can use the Shearing skill in any place where there are sheep. In Windy Waters just south of the Lighthouse you will find some sheep. In Lizper Falls the sheep are scattered all over town. In Flagship Down there is a group of sheep. The largest group of sheep can be found at coordinates 8500 13000 straight west from Windy Waters near some Orc infested ruins.
How do I shear?
First you have to put the Sheep Shears in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets. Then you have to click a sheep that is close to you. Your character then will start Shearing the sheep.
In the battletext it will say
selected> Sheep level 1
You start to shear the sheep
Chance to shear: 110%
You sheer some wool and place it in your pack
Shearing exp: 25
Sheep flees
The challenge of shearing sheep is that they won't stand still. Each sheep is good for some 8 shears and a way to mitigate their moving is making use of the Nearby Character tab and click there untill the sheep has moved away to far or has become angry.
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Bowyer Skill from Taill Ormunt in Windy Waters and from Cook Ariak Fishhand in Lizper Falls.
What tools do I need?
You need a Knitting Tool to craft with the Tailor skill.
Where can I use the skill?
You can craft items with the Tailor Skill at any Loom in the game. There are looms in Windy Waters and Lizper Falls.
How do I craft with Tailor?
First you will need at least some wool in your inventory and you need the Knitting tool in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets:
When you click on a the Loom the Craft Window will open allowing you to select an item on the left and resources on the right. If you decided to enchant the item now is the moment to put in Jewelry Sockets.
Next you click the Start Crafting button and the crafting window will close automatically.
Your character will start carving and in white letters the words "Knit" and "Loom" will appear.
They will repeat untill you click the Round Button corresponding to the word, so in the picture below you would click the "Knit" button. One click is enough. The same word might repeat but there is always a pause after you have clicked if the same word repeats. Meanwhile in your battletext you will see your trade skill xp add up.
When the item is finished it will appear in your inventory and the following message will show in your chattext:
* You create a new item: Shirt - Quality: inferior (10) - Created by: Rovenna - Value: 10 copper
Where can I buy the Skinning Skill?
You can buy the Skinning Skill from Cook Ariak Fishhand in Lizper Falls.
What tools do I need?
You need Skinning Knife for the skinning trade skill.
Where can I use the skill?
You can use the skill on the following creatures:
- Bears
- Bear Cave - all monsters
- Cows
- Spiders
- Orc Spider Raider - Reapers Woods
- Large Stag - Emerald Plateau
- Gremlins
- Baby dragons
- Hornets, also hornet larva
- Rovers
- Lizpers (not on the Ghosts)
There are no hides on that
How do I skin?
First you have to wield the Skinning Knife in your righthand in one of the 3 gear sets.
After having slain a creature you have to make sure it is selected. You can do this in the Nearby Character tab. If the creature still has loot on it the Loot Bag will open. Do NOT close it.
Click the "Skin Hide" button. A short countdown will start:
In the battletext it will say.
You start skinning
Chance to skin: 110%
You place the hide in your pack
Skinning exp: 25
You start skinning
Chance to skin: 110%
You place the hide in your pack
Skinning exp: 25
You start skinning
Chance to skin: 110%
You place the hide in your pack
Skinning exp: 25
There are no more hides
Each creature allows for 3 times trying to skin it and get more hides. Do not wait too long after killing a skinnable creature to skin it. It will soon be no longer ready for skinning.
Leather Smith
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Leather Smith Skill from Taill Ormunt in Windy Waters.
What tools do I need?
You need a Sewing Awl for crafting with the Leather Smith trade skill (Early V5 this used to be a hammer as with the other 3 smithing skills).
Where can I use the skill?
There is a Leather Smith crafting table next to the loom in Windy Water.
How do I craft with Leather Smith?
First you will need at least a few hides in your inventory and you need the Hammer in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets:
When you click on an Leather Smith crafting table the Craft Window will open allowing you to select an item on the left and resources on the right. If you decided to enchant the item now is the moment to put in Jewelry Sockets.
Next you click the Start Crafting button and the crafting window will close automatically.
Your character will start smithing and in white letters the words "Awl" and "Pull" will appear.
They will repeat untill you click the Round Button corresponding to the word, so in the picture below you would click the "Pull" button. One click is enough. The same word might repeat but there is always a pause after you have clicked if the same word repeats. Meanwhile in your battletext you will see your trade skill xp add up.
When the item is finished it will appear in your inventory and the following message will show in your chattext:
* You create a new item: Orc Breastplate - Quality: inferior (10) - Created by: Chenya - Value: 15 copper
Where can I buy the skill?
You can buy the Fishing Skill from Gunther Wandmaster in Windy Waters and from Cook Ariak Fishhand in Lizper Falls.
What tools do I need?
You need a Fishing Pole for the Fishing Trade skill.
Where can I use the skill?
You can use the Fishing skill in any place with water.
How do I Fish?
You need the Fishing Pole in the righthand slot in one of your 3 gear sets:
Click anywhere in the water area you have found. Your character will throw out the line and you will see a float appear where you clicked. As soon as a fish bites the "Reel In" button will appear. With clicking the button you handle the line stress and you will see how many feet distance is left to reel in the fish.
When stress becomes 0 the fish will free itself and swim away
When stress becomes 100 the line will break.
Apart from the distance message in green and the line stress message in red you will see in white text your trade skill xp add up in chunks of +6xp. When the distance is zero you catch the fish and it will add to your inventory. Depending on the quality of the fish you get an extra bonus xp.
Non-active Trade Skills
Below four other trade skills that have some presence in the game but are not active trade skills at the moment.
The Herbist tradeskill makes use of a Crush Table to crush berries and transform them into dyes.
The Crush Table is on the right in the cabin below. When you click on it the following message is shown:
* Herbist under renovation
The berries can also be found in 2 areas of the island, Marsh of Sadness in the north and Reapers Forest in the west. There are 3 types of berries:
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Yellow | Red | Blue |
In your trunk they will show up like this when you pick them:

The Alchemy tradeskill makes use of an Alchemy Table and is on the left in the cabin below. When you click on it the following message is shown:
* Alchemy under renovation
Carpentry is the tradeskill that allows you to create tables and chairs and also is used for building houses.
The carpentry workbench is the one with the yellow arrow below and inside an occupied plot of land.
When clicking on the workbench inside an occupied landplot the following window will open:
At several places around the island you will find cooking stoves.
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