Tuesday, September 21, 2021

CSS update

 Still not perfect but improving:

@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {

.logo img{

  width: 16vw;

    height: calc( 0.40 * 16vw);


#menu {

    padding-left: 8em;


#topbar {

  height: max(5vh,16px);


#topbar ul li {

  font-size: min(2.5vw,12px);

  height: 4vh;

  line-height: 2.5vh;

  margin-left: 0.1em;

  padding-left: 0.2em;

  padding-right: 0.2em;

  padding-top: 0.4em;


#healthbar {

    background-size: 12vw max(3vh,0.7em);

    border-radius: 3vh;

    top: 0.2em;

    right: 16vw;


    width: 12vw !important;


#healthbar .statusvalue {

  background-size: 12vw max(3vh,0.7em);

  border-radius: 3vh;

  width: 12vw !important;

  height: max(3vh,0.7em);


#statsbar {

  background-size: 12vw max(3vh,0.7em);

  border-radius: 3vh;

  top: 0.2em;

  right: 2.5vw;


  width: 12vw !important;


#statsbar .statusvalue {

  background-size: 12vw max(3vh,0.7em);

  border-radius: 3vh;


  width: 12vw !important;


.statustext {

    width: 12vw;

    height: 3.5vh !important;

    padding:0.1 em;


    z-index: 997;

    position: absolute;

    font-size: 10px;


.statusbar .statusvalue {

    position: absolute;

    z-index: 997;

    text-align: center;


    height: max(3vh,0.7em)  !important;


#helpbutton {

  left: 65vw;

  position: absolute;


.inventory, .inventory span {

    background-size: 5.5vw 5.5vw;

    height: 5.5vw;

    width: 5.5vw;



#equip_cloak {

  left: 2vw;

  top: 0vw;


#equip_helmet {

  left: 9vw;

  top: 0vw;


#equip_necklace {

  left: 16vw;

  top: 0vw;


#equip_rightobject {

  left: 2vw;

  top: 6vw;


#equip_torso {

  left: 9vw;

  top: 6vw;


#equip_leftobject {

  left: 16vw;

  top: 6vw;


#equip_arms {

  left: 2vw;

  top: 12vw;


#equip_legs {

  left: 9vw;

  top: 12vw;


#equip_bracers {

  left: 16vw;

  top: 12vw;


#equip_rightring {

  left: 2vw;

  top: 18vw;


#equip_feet {

  left: 9vw;

  top: 18vw;


#equip_leftring {

  left: 16vw;

  top: 18vw;


#equipgroups ul li {

  font-size: 5vh;


#equipgroups  {

  left: -2vw;


#expbar {

    margin-top: 11px;

    line-height: 18px;


#panelbuttonbar {

  margin-left: -3.5vw;


#panelbuttonbar ul li {

  border-radius: 3vh 0 0 3vh ;

  font-size: 11px ;

  padding: 1.5vh 1vh 1.5vh 1vh ;


.bagitem {

  background-size: 7vw 7vw;

  border-radius: 5vw;

  height: 7vw;

  width: 7vw;


#bagcategoryselect {

  font-size: min(3vh,11px);

  padding-top: 1vh;



#bag {

    top: 9vh;


#bag, #loot {

    position: absolute;

    background-size: 30vw 20vw;

    height: 20vw;

    width: 30vw;

    text-align: center;


#bag_contents, #loot_contents {

    transform-origin: top left;

transform: scale(0.65);

    position: absolute;

    top: 6vh;

    left: 2vw;


#bagweight, #baggold {

  font-size: 9px;

  font-style: bold;


#bagquickitems {

    position: absolute;

    overflow: hidden;

    text-align: left;

    top: 52vh;

    width: 40vw;

    height: 7vw;

    border: 0;


#quickitem1 {

    left: 0vw;


#quickitem2 {

    left: 5vw;


#quickitem3 {

    left: 10vw;


#quickitem4 {

    left: 15vw;


#quickitem5 {

    left: 20vw;


#quickitem6 {

    left: 25vw;


.quickitem, .quickitem span {

    position: absolute;

    background-size: 4.5vw 4.5vw;

    width: 4.5vw;

    height: 4.5vw;

    font-size: 10px;


#misc, #characters, #playerparty {

    width: 30vw;

    font-size: 11px;

    padding-top: 3vh;


.charitem {

    margin: 3px;


.charitem_stamina {

    bottom: 1vh;

    height: 7vh;

    right: 4px;

    width: 3px;


.charitem_health {

    bottom: 1vh;

    height: 9vh;

    right: 8px;

    width: 3px;


#sidepanel {

  bottom: 3.5vh;

  top: 4vh;

  border-top: 0px;


#middlebar {

  height: 70vh;


#zone {

    font-size: 12px;

text-align: right !important;

padding-right: 18vw !important;

box-sizing: border-box;


#coords {

    font-size: 12px;

    right: 3vw;


#targetbar {


    height: 3vw;

    border-top-left-radius: 10vw;

    border-top-right-radius: 10vw;


    font-size: 11px;

    padding: 2px 4% 0 4%;


#battleexpand {

  background-color: #216e2c ;

  font-size: 7vh ;

  height: 9vh;

  opacity: .7 ;

  right: 1vh ;

  top: 10vh ;


#battlepanel {

  bottom: 10px;

  width: 25%;


#battletext {

  bottom: 0vh;



#bottombar {

  height: 25vh;


#channelbar {

  bottom: 3.5vh;

  /*width: 300px;*/

  left: 42vw ;


#channelbar li {

  float: left;

  font-family: Verdana;

  font-size: 9px;

  margin: -2px;

  padding: 0px 0px;


#channelbar li input {

  margin-right: 10px;


#chat {

  height: 6vh;

  opacity: 0.8;

  width: 75%;


#chatbutton {

  left: 70vw;


#chatexpand {

  background-color: #216e2c;

  font-size: 7vh ;

  height: 9vh ;

  left: 1vw ;

  opacity: .7 ;

  top: 10vh ;


#chatoutput {

  bottom: -10vh;

  /*    width: 45%;*/

  left: 4vw ;

  overflow: auto;

  width: 43% ;




#chatpanel {

  bottom: 2vh ;

  width: 75% ;


#skillbar {

  height:5vh ;



#lootclosebutton {

  font-size: 15px;


  right: 8.5px;

  top: 4px;



  padding:0px 4px;


#skillbar ul li {

  font-size: 14px;

  height: 4vw;

  line-height: 11px;

  width: 4vw;



#bankcategoryselect {

  font-size: 14px;


#bankwin {

  top: -14vh;



#bank {


    width: 65vh;

    height: 64vh;

    background-size: 65vh 64vh;


#bank_contents {

  transform-origin: top left;





#craftingwindow {

    padding: 5px;

    max-width: 90%;

    margin-left: 4%;

    margin-top: 8%;




.tab {

    padding: 2vw 0vw 5vw 3vw;


.tabmenu {

    margin-top: -29px;


.craftingfooter {

    clear: right;

    overflow: auto;


.craftsockets {

    position: relative;

    float: right;

    margin-top: -10px;

    margin-right: 20px;


.quickitem.craftsocket {

    margin-left: 1px;

    width: 5vw;



#craftingwindow .tab {

    max-height: 50vh;


#craftingwindow .itemlist {

    width: 25vw;

    height: 390px;


#craftingwindow .itemlistitem {

    margin: 1px;


.itemlistitem span {

    font-size: 10px;


#craftingwindow img {

    width: 6vw;

    height: 6vw;


input[type=range][orient=vertical] {

  -epub-writing-mode: bt-lr;

  -ms-writing-mode: bt-lr;

  -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical;

  height: 45vh;

  width: 5vh;

  writing-mode: bt-lr;


#zoombar {

  left: 0px;

  margin-top: 5%;


.ping {

    font-size: 10px;

    bottom: 5px;

    right: 5px;


.CSheet {

    width: 98vw;

    height: 60vh;

    font-family: 'Autour One', cursive;

    font-size: 12px;

    overflow: hidden;

    padding-top: 2vh


.CSheetStatsDesc {

    width: 45vw;

    margin-left: 2em;


#CSheetStatList {

    width: 45vw;

    height: 50vh;

    padding-top: 3vw;

    overflow-y: auto;


.scrollwin {

    height: 50vh;


#CSheetTrades {

    padding-top: 4vh;

    padding-left: 5vw;

    height: 50vh;

    overflow-y: scroll;


.tradeskill span{



.skillicon2 {

    width: 10vh;

    height: 10vh;

    font-size: 8vh;


.skillupgradeicon {

    width: 9vh;

    height: 9vh;

    font-size: 7vh;



@media screen and (min-width: 641px) {

#CraftButton1text, #CraftButton2text {

  font-size: 16px;

  margin-top: 28px;

  text-align: center;

  width: 100%;


#PlayersOnline {

  font-size: 16px;


#bagcategoryselect {

  font-size: 20px;


#bankcategoryselect {

  font-size: 24px;


#bankwin {

  top: -20px;


#battleexpand {

  background-color: #216e2c ;

  font-size: 6vh ;

  height: 8vh;

  opacity: .7 ;

  right: 1vh ;

  top: 10vh ;


#battlepanel {

  bottom: 10px;

  width: 25%;


#battletext {

  bottom: 0vh;


#bottombar {

  height: 25vh;


#channelbar {

  bottom: 6vh;

  /*width: 300px;*/

  left: 42vw ;


#channelbar li {

  float: left;

  font-family: Verdana;

  font-size: 15px;

  margin: 0;

  padding: 3px 0px;


#channelbar li input {

  margin-right: 10px;


#chat {

  height: 4vh;

  opacity: 0.8;

  width: 75%;


#chatbutton {

  left: 500px



#chatexpand {

  background-color: #216e2c;

  font-size: 6vh ;

  height: 8vh ;

  left: 1vw ;

  opacity: .7 ;

  top: 10vh ;


#chatoutput {

  bottom: -5vh;

  /*    width: 45%;*/

  left: 4vw ;

  overflow: auto;

  width: 43% ;


#chatpanel {

  bottom: 2vh ;

  width: 75% ;


#craftbutton {

  width: 100px;


#craftingwindow {

  left: 5%;

height: 400px;


#craftingwindow .itemlist {

  width: 220px;

height: 390px;


#craftingwindow .itemlistitem {

  margin: 1px;


#craftingwindow .tab {

  max-height: 390px;


#craftingwindow img {

  height: 38px;

  width: 38px;


#craftingwindowtitle {

  font-size: 16px;


#equip_arms {

  left: 40px;

  top: 130px;


#equip_bracers {

  left: 160px;

  top: 130px;


#equip_cloak {

  left: 40px;

  top: 10px;


#equip_feet {

  left: 100px;

  top: 190px;


#equip_helmet {

  left: 100px;

  top: 10px;


#equip_leftobject {

  left: 160px;

  top: 70px;


#equip_leftring {

  left: 40px;

  top: 190px;


#equip_legs {

  left: 100px;

  top: 130px;


#equip_necklace {

  left: 160px;

  top: 10px;


#equip_rightobject {

  left: 40px;

  top: 70px;


#equip_rightring {

  left: 160px;

  top: 190px;


#equip_torso {

  left: 100px;

  top: 70px;


#equipgroups ul li {

  font-size: 20px;


#healthbar {

  background-size: 14vw 2.2vh;

  border-radius: 2vh;

  height: 2vh;


#healthbar .statusvalue {

  background-size: 14vw 2.2vh;

  border-radius: 2vh;

  height: 2vh;


#helpbutton {

  left: calc(5 * 10vw);

  position: relative;


#itemcraftingbuttons {

  height: 80px;

  width: 240px;


#loot_contents {

  height: 120px;

  top: 50px;

  width: 210px;


#lootclosebutton {

  font-size: 20px;

  right: 15px;

  top: 7px;


#middlebar {

  height: 70vh;


#panelbuttonbar {

  margin-left: -50px;


#panelbuttonbar ul li {

  border-radius: 3vh 0 0 3vh ;

  font-size: 5.5vh ;

  padding: 1.5vh 1vw 1.5vh 1vw ;


#sidepanel {

  bottom: 3.5vh;

  top: 14vh;


#skillbar ul li {

  font-size: 14px;

  height: 50px;

  line-height: 14px;

  width: 50px;


#statsbar {

  background-size: 14vw 2.2vh;

  border-radius: 2vh;

  height: 2vh;


#statsbar .statusvalue {

  background-size: 14vw 2.2vh;

  border-radius: 2vh;

  height: 2vh;


#topbar {

  height: 5vh;


#topbar ul li {

  font-size: min(2.5vw,14px);

  height: 4vh;

  line-height: 2.5vh;

  margin-left: 1vw;

  padding-left: 1vw;

  padding-right: 1vw;

  padding-top: 1.5vh;


#zoombar {

  left: 0px;

  margin-top: 5%;


.CSheetMenu ul li {

  font-size: 24px;


.bagitem {

  background-size: 50px 50px;

  border-radius: 25px;

  height: 50px;

  width: 50px;


.button {

  font-size: 24px ;


.closewindows {

  font-size: 24px;

  height: 30px;

  width: 30px;


.craftingbutton {

  border-radius: 40px;

  height: 80px;

  width: 80px;


.craftingfooter {

  clear: right;

  overflow: auto;


.craftsockets {

  float: right;

  margin-right: 20px;

  margin-top: -10px;

  position: relative;


.focuspointsreset {

  font-size: 20px;


.gamewindow {



.gamewindowclose {

  font-size: 32px ;


.gamewindowtitlebar {

  height: 30px;


.inventory, .inventory span {

  background-size: 54px 54px;

  height: 54px;

  width: 54px;


.itemlist {

  height: 280px;


.petlisting {

  border: 1px solid #104b10;


.petskillbutton {

  font-size: 24px;


.stataddpoint {

  font-size: 24px;


.statustext {

  font-size: min(2vh,12px);


.vendorbuybutton,.vendorsellbutton {

  height: 28px;


/* Fishing tradeskill Reelin-button 

.doactionbutton {  

  height: 44px;

  font-size: 24px; 

  padding: 5px;

  margin-top: 20px;

} */

/* Character Sheet Windows */

/*    MENU*/

/* Players Online Window */

/* Bankwindow */

/* move the bank-inventory way up to allow acces to 

select filter directly*/

/* 2 gem windows, pet window */

/* pet window */



/* LOGO */

/*      MENU_UL*/



/* rearrange equipment in 3x5 array to allow bigger 

display */



/* on mobile phones the edge does not detect touch, 

move slide more right */

/* TOP BAR */



/* downsize battle and chat text and change position 

expand button */


/* Crafting window */

/* Vendor window */

input[type=range][orient=vertical] {

  -epub-writing-mode: bt-lr;

  -ms-writing-mode: bt-lr;

  -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical;

  height: 45vh;

  width: 5vh;

  writing-mode: bt-lr;


.buttonCharacter {

 content:'<i class="fa fa-child"></i>';


@supports ((-webkit-background-clip: text) and (-webkit-text-stroke: 1px black)){

  .faded-text {


    /* Clip background to the text */

    background-clip: border-box;

    -webkit-background-clip: text;





    /* Fading background gradient from the current text color */


      linear-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 90%,

        currentColor 100%



    /* Set the text to transparent for the fading background to show through */

    -webkit-text-fill-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.01);


