Saturday, June 18, 2016

Second draft of World Map

Slowly getting better and bigger... in pure bytes too big even... taken it slower the coming days but happy with the result so far...

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

World Map - A first draft

After a lot of coding this is the Lizper Falls Area based on map codes Vagabond had sent me. Still a lot of work to do, but I think this could get somewhere... some day :D

the only manual work was filling some map tiles with colour.. I forgot 2 on the right :D.. the rest is all generated by code and layers of images... please comment in game to improve while I will continue with the rest of the map and afterwards improve code making it less dense

< image removed >

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tradeskills first draft

First draft of tradeskill page is done. Next up is crosslinking to the NPC page and the Map page.

First draft of Windy Waters map and Lizper Falls map is done.
The Windy Waters map needs some smoothing out in the regions where the ground changes colour. I will add a few more highlights to other Point of Interest like the warps.
The Lizper Falls will be overhauled completely.

First draft of the NPC page is done. The table will stay, not sure if adding a separate section for each NPC or go with just the table. Next up is crosslinking with tradeskills and maps.