

The ultimate punishment for players on Ogre Island was being put in jail.
Dae: I was jailed in both Alpha and Beta. I was in jail on totally bogus and trumped-up charges... allegedly I found a way to get around the swearing censor. It's just a tiny room which you're not allowed to speak in. But speaking of going against the game. In the picture below, that is me escaping from jail and getting caught by Vaga. This is how we used to find so many glitches and hidden areas in the game that weren't exactly opened yet.

Based on the way you clicked on your mount you would slightly move one way or the other. If you did it enough times you could bypass mountains, buildings, the black zone. And since most buildings are all put on the same "Floor" you could essentially travel between buildings indoor by jumping on the horse, dismounting and repeating in whatever direction you wanted. Took a bunch of time but we found some pretty neat stuff and unreleased areas.
Dae caught by Vaga when trying to escape from jail did he, or did he not ...

Quazit: I was jailed once. I dont exactly recall why, but I think it was when I was testing a dungeon. I was there for months alone. I think it was where the ogre wax was first placed. After being there for a long time, and unable to leave since Vaga didn;t place a spawn stone for me lol, so if I left the dungeon, I couldn't come back. So, I stayed in, since I promised I would test everything in it. I finally got out. Then I believe someone complained about that I was selling the ogrewax or something. I wasnt selling it. I was keeping it for the future. But I was jailed for what seems like a month, but I really dont recall. I forget where the jail was, but it was just small room and I couldn't do anything. Just log in and sit in the room lol.

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