
on this page details of events and quests
Trolls raid in Binxonia
Archers Tower Quest
First House Decoration Contest
Second House Decoration Contest

Trolls raid in Binxonia

In Beta from time to time Vagabond scheduled raids in some town on the island.
He summoned a relentless mass of creatures which was great fun, most of all for the higher level players, though merely watching was a blast already. Ofcourse you attended with an empty inventory in order to not loose items upon dying and tons of Health Potions in the Quick Slots to last as long as possible. In the below image Dark Goddess is doing her thing while Vagabond on the sideline is pulling the strings. I think on the pig we have Wolfhound also [identify all players].

DarkGoddess under a pile of Trolls - credits to Dae and DG for the picture

The Archer's Tower Quest

Ogre Island Quest description
The legend of the Archers Tower lives on, but not the tower itself.
However, rumor has it that there is a piller from the old tower, and
on that piller is the secret to creating the compound bow !

difficulty : level 15+
reward : 1000 exp, 100 trainpoints, and a compound bow
starting point : Binxonia archer shop

Quest Guides
Credits, copyright and thanks to Nocturne [not in player db] (on the archived web)
Created in february 2003.

Full Guide
- 1) Start the quest in the Archer Shop in Binxonia. Just go south from the fountain, and when you get to the crossroads, go east and you should see the shop. (Veronica is standing outside the shop). Click on the quest book, or if you don't see anything, click on the middle of the table.
- 2) After you've read the quest book, leave the shop and head directly north-east. When you've hit the beach, just follow it north to the Orc Camp.
- 3) Kill the orcs, and one of them will "drop" the next clue. You need to get to the Gold Mine now. If you already know where it is, great. Otherwise, follow the beach west, and keep on following it. It should take you west, north, and then west again. The Gold Mine is on the mountainside, with a run-down shack next to it.
- 4) Enter the goldmine, and head to the next room (the door is at the west side). in the room of Imps, go directly east from the door you entered in. Look carefully at the wall, and you should notice a dark-grey spot. It's a secret doorway. Enter it. Now you should be in a room with Dark Orcs and a pillar. Click on the pillar and read the clue quickly, if you want. Exit the mine now.
- 5) It's time to go back to Binxonia and visit Veronica. Follow the dirt path south. It will take you to a grass path, and then to a group of Imps. Just look for the path again and continue following it. Using the World Map would be helpful.
- 6) After talking to Veronica, you need to go to the Crypt. Just take the portal near Veronica. Enter the Crypt, and go exploring for a Skeleton Destroyer, dressed in Green Armour. It's in the western part of the crypt. You can look at this map if you want. Kill the Skeleton Destroyer when you find it. Now exit the Crypt and go to Underleaf.
- 6) In Underleaf, find Jobe the Blacksmith (he's in the southern-part of Underleaf), and collect your new Compound Bow. :)

Comments and additional information:
This is probably the most elaborated quest there was back then.
[display compound bow, whichever bow that was]

The latest update of the list of players that completed this quest in June 2004 (total of 1333 different characters):

First House Decoration Contest

Head Judge: Lady Cat

Second House Decoration Contest

Head Judge: Lady Cat
The second House Decoration Contest was held end 2008, and I think the final judging was done early January 2009. Once again it was a huge success that had many of the players, this time me included, very busy. As an anecdote I remember helping Unicci with gathering loose coin piles, which using a trick you could transfer from a loot bag into your own loot bag. I don't recall if another trick was needed to transfer the coins to Unicci so he could use them for his Palm Tree Island design. If you want to check out all the ideas people came up with check out the following link where Wavecritter and Wyverex showcase many of the house designs


Though buying your participation did cost some plat it was really great fun. In middle of a huge crowd Vagabond what start to construct the raffle tables and treasure chests and all, meanwhile summoning enormous creatures which all present would attack in mass.

The prices were special pets, special armour and special weapons.

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